Petrified Wood Sink

one of the best sinks, made of rare fossil wood, making this product very beautiful, exotic, and has a high artistic value.

Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas



Petrified Wood Sink was very rare , elegance and exotic

Petrified wood (derived from the Greek word “petro” meaning coral or stone, literally meaning wood turned into stone) is a kind of fossil; is a wood fossil in which all the organic matter has been replaced by minerals (which are generally silicates, such as quartz), but the original structure of the wood is preserved. The petrification process occurs underground, when wood is buried under sediment and begins to be preserved due to conditions of lack of oxygen. Mineral-rich water flowing through sediments stores minerals in plant cells and as plant lignin and cellulose decay, rock formation occurs. No wonder many wood fossils are found in the ground, because the process of formation is in the ground. A very basic characteristic of the wood fossils that are in and on the river bank is harder and even parts of the skin are no longer chalky, as if there has been a polishing process by humans. This happens because there is friction between wood fossils with sand and other rocks that are in the river for millions of years. Unlike the wood fossils, some of which are still covered with lime, but the motifs and colors inside are more interesting than the fossils in the riverbanks and in the river. Even some of the wood fossils found in the ground have crystallized with a very high water content. When the bark is opened, the contents of the stone are already transparent. for this wood fossil people say fossil agate / agate. In general, the process of converting wood into fossils, according to experts, takes millions of years, as the article in the “World Book Encyclopedia” in the article says that the process of petrified wood takes 225 years.

that’s why this product is very rare and has a high artistic value.

Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas


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